Welcome to Dialogue

This Pricing Policy outlines the rules and regulations for the use of Dialogue’s Website, located at in terms of its service pricing.

By accessing this website we assume you accept our Pricing Policy. Do not continue to use if you do not agree to take the Pricing Policy stated on this page.

Types of Pricing

Dialogue has incorporated a Value based Pricing (that takes care of the Value I provide to you, in the hope that you see the worth of everything I provide)


At “Dialogue,” I offer:

  • 1 Hour Face to Face Listening Session : Rs. 1,115/-

Pricing Terms:

I believe the pricing reflects my commitment to offering the best possible experience during your listening session as I simultaneously hone my skills as an active and an empathetic listener. Here’s a brief overview for why the pricing structure is such:

2.1. Compassion:
I am committed to providing a safe, trustworthy and a non-judgmental environment for your thoughts and feelings. The pricing allows me to support my commitment to offering a compassionate listening service.

2.2. Confidentiality and Trust:
I prioritize your privacy and confidentiality during our sessions, ensuring that your trust is upheld. The pricing supports my efforts to maintain high standards of data security and privacy.

2.3. Training and Quality of Service:
I am committed to continually improving my listening skills to meet your needs and expectations. The pricing supports my development and growth as an active and an empathetic listener.

2.4. In-Person Sessions:
Face-to-face sessions involve additional costs related to the physical setup, location, travel and food etc. The sessions offer an unique, immersive experience, justifying the pricing mentioned.

2.5. Anti Spam Approach:
I have structured the pricing to ensure that both listeners and Listenees have valuable, safe and meaningful interactions. This approach not only reflects the commitment to the quality of our service but also helps prevent spam and scam for all clients/Listenees.

I understand the importance of pricing transparency and ensuring that you receive a valuable and transformative experience during your listening sessions. My commitment to quality, trust, professionalism and compassion is reflected in the pricing.

Every Bi-Annually, the affirmed Prices can/may be adjusted/changed. It’s details will be updated on the Website in due time and well before the changes take effect.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Pricing Policy, please contact us at (with the Subject line – Pricing Policy Concern)

Thank you for reading the Pricing Policy.